New admission system for the provision of labour in the Netherlands

Mar 12, 2024

The Netherlands is intensively preparing for the introduction of a completely new system of ‘’admitting‘’ (toelating) the provision of labour. Soon, hirers of labour will only be able to source workers from permitted entities. The sourcing of workers from non-admitted entities will be punishable by a fine. In addition, a new register is to be set up with a list of admitted entities.

In principle, the new system is to apply to all entities subject to the Waadi (Wet allocatie arbeidskrachten door intermediairs, Act on the allocation of labour through intermediaries), including foreign entities. However, the system provides an exception for entities that make labour available in a very limited degree.

The basis for the new system of admission criteria is to be the standards of the Stichting Normering Arbeid (SNA), supplemented, among other things, by criteria for accommodation (Stichting Normering Flexwonen).

It will also be necessary to obtain a certificate of good behaviour (verklaring omtrent het gedrag, VOG) and to pay a deposit, in principle of EUR 100,000.

The new system will require compliance with the Waadi, but also with other regulations concerning minimum wages, wage components, employment conditions for foreigners and posted workers, etc.

Inspections are expected at the registration stage and every six months thereafter.

The new regulations may come into force as early as 1 January 2025. Due to the systemic scale of the anticipated changes, we recommend taking the appropriate steps to complete all formalities as early as possible and to prepare for the admission.

Should you have any further questions or concerns in this regard, we are available to assist you. We can prepare you for obtainingthe  admission according to the new system for the provision of labour in the Netherlands.