Budget Day: Tax Plan 2025 and Upcoming Changes

The Dutch Minister of Finance presented the 2025 budget to the parliament on 17 September. A number of changes are anticipated as part of the Tax Plan 2025.   Some of the most significant proposed changes include: New group definition in the Withholding Tax Act;...

Updated Decree on VAT and Provision of Employees

The Dutch State Secretary of Finance recently published an updated decree on the VAT treatment of supply of staff. The decree includes clarifications on the situations in which the provision of personnel does not  result in VAT. In principle, the provision of labour...

State of Migration in the Netherlands in 2023

The Dutch Ministry of Justice has published its migration report for 2023. Last year, 332,863 people arrived in the Netherlands, 17% less than in 2022. Meanwhile, the number of refugees from Ukraine admitted in the Netherlands increased from almost 91,000 to 110,000....

Company cars and PIT addition

The Netherlands imposes a system of PIT addition for the private use of company cars by employees (the so-called bijtelling). If an employer makes a company car available to their employees, a corresponding addition to the employee’s income tax base is due in...

Changes to the Polish-Dutch double tax treaty

The Protocol amending the double tax treaty, signed in October 2020, means a number of changes for taxpayers with ties to Poland and the Netherlands – including with regard to permanent establishments, profits from real estate or pension funds. An anti-abuse...